The Bear and the Hummingbird
J W Baker
Raven and the Bear
J W Baker
How Grandfather Bear created the Stars
J W Baker
Back in Black Bear
J W Baker
Beary Starry Nights
J W Baker
Mountain Lion - Guardian of the North
J W Baker
Badger - Guardian of the South
J W Baker
Beary Starry Nights Too
J W Baker
Big B and little bee
J W Baker
Where do I belong now
J W Baker
What do Polar Bears dream of
J W Baker
Black Bear the Messenger
J W Baker
Fox dances for Hummingbird
J W Baker
Portrait of a Bear
J W Baker
Once upon a time
J W Baker
Under the All Sky
J W Baker
Tree Climbing 101
J W Baker
Four Winds Bear
J W Baker
The Cat Food Bandit
J W Baker
Shaken not stirred
J W Baker
Who doesn't love the night
J W Baker
The Virtue of Grace
J W Baker
Cougar, Catamount, Mountain Lion, Puma
J W Baker
White Bear goes Southwest
J W Baker
Memories of Green
J W Baker
Forgotten Bear Tales
J W Baker
Raven Steals the Moon - Moon what Moon?
J W Baker
Coyote the Trickster
J W Baker
Another fine mess
J W Baker
Brother Wolf #1
J W Baker
Grandfather Bear
J W Baker
Buffalo Medicine
J W Baker
So, same time tomorrow then?
J W Baker
You talking to me
J W Baker
Puma - The Hunter
J W Baker
Fox shows the way
J W Baker