Fox shows the way

by J W Baker
Original - Sold
24.000 x 32.000 x 0.750 inches
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Fox shows the way
J W Baker
Painting - Oil On Wood Panel
Understanding his nature and place in the Circle, Fox shows us the way through cleverness and observation. He values family and friends, and is both loyal and protective. Fox knows how to disappear into the landscape and has the clarity and wisdom to understand the value in this.
October 16th, 2014
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Comments (5)

Catherine Robertson
I love this painting, as I love all your work, and the fact that you revere our dear wildlife so much. This I read in your descriptions. I too feel this love and respect and sometimes wish God had given the animals 'dominion' over we oft-time uncaring, greedy and cruel humans. I love the description you wrote above re this most dignified and wonderful creature. Thanks for sharing.